
21 or Slow and steady...

A quick post before I head off to bed...
Today was a small class. Only 4 of us. I kinda like that.

Here is what we did:

First, we learned how to do "kipping pull-ups". I understand how to do them but having my body actually execute them is another story.

The workout:

3 rounds for time
35 dumbbell push presses with whatever weight we choose
Using that weight "farmers walk" (think of how a farmer looks like carrying 2 pails of water) to a stop sign about 1/4 mile away.
When we came back and had to do a walking lunge from our building to the bank across the parking lot and then turn around and back again.

I am not sure what the final time of our workout was (our other trainer wasn't really keeping track like he said he would) but I think it was something around 20 minutes give or take. My hands were cramping up from holding the 2 12lb weights but I am feeling it in my shoulders today.
I know the workout we did does not seem like it was a lot so, here is a map of what it looks like... Maybe the next time we do another workout outside, I will post another photo of where we went.

From our building to the stop sign was about 0.10 miles... And on the way back, that is 0.2 miles... Times 3 times = 0.6 miles walking with 24 lbs in my hands.

I hope tomorrow morning will be much better.


20 or Teamwork...

Holy crap. A work out with a team is kinda intimidating.

Here is what we did...

Since there was only 5 of us, we were split into 2 teams, the three other people on one team and me, P and our trainer on another team.

We had to, as a team, complete the following workout in any order possible:

21 box pushes across the gym with at least 20+ lbs weight.
4000 meter row.

All while someone holds a 95 or 135 lb bar off the ground...

The catch... If the person holding the bar drops it, the whole team has to do 25 burpees.

Long story short, since I am uber weak, I elected to do most of the rowing (something that I love to do anyways) and some of the box pushes while P and Ronnie (the trainer) did most of the holding of the weight...

Our team came in last by like 2 seconds.

19 or Baseline...

So, I did not go to Cross Fit on Friday night, Saturday or Sunday mornings. I had so much going on with worying about stupid finals that I needed to not worry about anything like working out... Here is what we did on Monday...

First, we started with "Baseline." It is a series of workouts that are timed. The goal is that over the next few weeks, we should be getting better and our time should be going down.

The workouts:
500 meter row on the rowing machine 40 squats
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups

And here is where I fall...

8 minutes and 56 seconds.

I was the slowest person (I didn't get a picture of what the other people in our group did). When I was 5 away from being done on my sit-ups, I got some major cramping in my gut and took a break.

But that wasn't it...

We still had to do our workout!


20 minutes as many rounds as possible:

5 pull-ups
10 push-ups (either on the floor or using the rings)
15 squats (using the straight bar across our back or without)
20 lateral jumps on each side (total of 40)
25 double unders on the jump rope (I have problems with that so I just did 25 regular jumps)

Well, because of the baseline we did before, my knees were killing me and I was only able to finish 4 rounds before I had to "tap-out'. I hope today is a better day.


18 or Nice girls finish last...

Sweet Jebus.

One of the toughest workouts I have done so far.


10 rounds for time:

Suicides (10 yards, 20 yards, 30 yards)
15 ball slams (I used a 16 lb ball)
15 box jumps
15 horizontal rows using the TRX harness/ rings

By round 3, I was getting exhausted. I was hurting on my abs on my right side and my hips were hurting on my left. My suicides were getting slower and because of my knee, my box jumps were more like step-ups by round 5.

Our trainer lost track of time so, I don't know how I really did. I do know this: I did a lot better then the skinny slacker girls who were in class. Long story. And I think P and I did 11 rounds... We lost count. I was concentrating on how much I hate the workout and forgot to keep counting.

P says that we finished around 36 minutes. Sounds like a good number.

17 or The awful truth...

So, while going through some old photos online, I found some full body shots. Maybe this will convince myself that I am in fact actually loosing some weight...

I might have P take updated photos of me sometime soon.

In San Francisco loving art.


16 or Lunges are the devil...


6 rounds of 4 "snatch" weight lifting

As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 minutes:
  • 2 times over head weighted lunges (I held a weighted medicine ball over my head and did walking lunges across a parking lot and back)
  • 12 box jumps
  • Shuffle to the bank across the parking lot and back
  • 12 TRX bicept curls

I managed to get through 2 rounds and ended on the lunges. It turned out being the longest part of the work out.


15 or The tire...

 And here is what we did on Friday May 04, 2012...


Warm up = 15 minutes

3 rounds total
2 minutes per workout
1 minute rest between stations:

  • Tire flip with partner outside
  • Box push with weight on top
  • Ball slams (20 lbs)
  • Wall balls (10 lbs)

 And here were the tires that we used... No one could do the huge one. It is about 5 feet tall and weights over 200 lbs.

 Proof that it was as big as me... And I am only about 5'3"ish.

More proof.


14 or Committment...

My goodness. It has been such a long time since I have had the time to sit down and write about my progress. I am making a promise to myself to keep this log more current and up to date...

With that said, since I have last written, P and I had purchased a groupon way back in October for a place called Cross Fit. The plan at the time was to keep working out as much as we could at The Well at school and once we lost enough weight (by the time the groupon was going to expire), we would then go and use the groupon (which was good for 12 sessions to be used with in 90 days).

Well, we eventually forgot about the groupon until the last minute and we started the 12 visits in March... Long story short, we gave in and signed up for a 2 month membership. We try to go at least every Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and whenever Saturday or Sunday that we can. It is such a hard workout, but it is real rewarding at the end.

Anyways, I figured I should start taking a photo of the work outs that we do each day that we go because sometimes, I can't believe that I did what I did...

Here is what we did today:


Round 1:
21 dead lift high pull on the right
10 push ups
21 dead lift high pull on the left
15 push ups
Run to the Chase Bank and back
21 dead lift "snatch" on the right
20 push ups
21 dead lift "snatch" on the left
25 push ups
Run to the Chase Bank and back

Round 2:
21 dead lift high pull on the right
10 squat jumps
21 dead lift high pull on the left
15 squat jumps
Run to the Chase Bank and back
21 dead lift "snatch" on the right
20 squat jumps
21 dead lift "snatch" on the left
25 squat jumps
Run to the Chase Bank and back

And end all tired and sweaty.

It took me almost 24 minutes to finish this workout...

Currently hovering around 198ish.


13 or Making time...

I have been slacking. Ugh. Not the kind of progress I am looking for. School is now well into week #3 and with me starting back up with derby again, life has been a little crazy. And with all this craziness going on, I can feel all the hard work that I have been putting into my working out and dieting is falling behind... I just need to make the time to do the things I need to. My first priority is to my college career. This is my last year and I need to make it count. Second is my health (and the health of P.M. too). Third is my family. Fourth is derby. Anywho...

Tomorrow morning I am going to wake my ass up at 520am and head to the gym for some tough sweaty love. Then the day is filled with actually trying to do some homework and finishing some household chores that have been neglected since school started.

I am going to attempt to keep track of what I ate and (perhaps) what working out I have done. I need this to become my motivation.

  • Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, 2 small sausage patties and a protein shake. I took a coffee to school to drink (which lasted from 8 am till 1130 am which was much appreciated during my asian art lecture at 9 am.)
  • Lunch: left over pulled pork sammiches with cole slaw, some chippies and a Dr Pepper.
  • Snack: blueberry brown cow yogurt.
  • Dinner: stuffed bell peppers filled with pork/ chicken sausage and yummy cheese! (and a water to drink since my pomegranate/ lemon tea wasn't brewed yet)

I have not weighed myself since Sunday (The Super Bowl is a bad day for dieters) but when I did, I managed to jump my weight back up to 200. Biggest set back in a long time. Here is to getting back on track.

Till tomorrow!



12 or Back to the real world...

Today is the first day of school.

Meaning that:
-Roller derby is back on for me
-Getting my shit back in order
-Working out every single day

Today I am now hovering around 196. If I didn't hurt my knee last Sunday, I would have done some more working out this last week. But, I am getting back on track today.